Vacuum coffee and vacuum coffee maker

vacuum coffee maker brews coffee using two chambers where vapor pressure and gravity produce coffee. This type of coffee maker is also known as vac potsiphon or syphon coffee maker, and was invented by Loeff of Berlin in the 1830s. These devices have since been used for more than a century in many parts of the world.
 Design and composition of the vacuum coffee maker varies. The chamber material is borosilicate glass, metal, or plastic, and the filter can be either a glass rod or a screen made of metal, cloth, paper, or nylon. The Napier Vacuum Machine, presented in 1840, was an early example of this technique. While vacuum coffee makers generally were excessively complex for everyday use, they were prized for producing a clear brew, and were quite popular until the middle of the twentieth century. The Bauhaus interpretation of this device can be seen in Gerhard Marcks' Sintrax coffee maker of 1925.


Step 1: Water is heated to a boil in the glass carafe.
Step 2: Coffee grounds are prepared and placed in glass container.
Step 3: The stem of the coffee ground container is inserted into the top of the glass carafe while the water continues to boil.
Step 4: The steam forces hot water up the stem of the coffee ground container and mixes with the ground coffee. The mix is then stirred for one minute.
Step 5: At this point, the coffee has been fully brewed, but still contains the coffee grounds. The glass carafe is taken off the heated surface.
Step 6: As the glass carafe cools and the evaporated water contracts, the brewed coffee is pulled through the filter of the coffee ground container (by gravity and pressure difference) down into the glass carafe.
Step 7: The brewed coffee is finished, and located in the glass carafe. The glass coffee ground container contains grounds, which are drier (relative to filtered coffee grounds) due to the siphon also pushing air over the grounds.
